Saturday, March 9, 2013

Alice VS. The Queen of Hearts

Fruity Blast Challenge 03/09/13
Kiwi Blast Challenge
Design Seed Palette Here:  -°∆°-

I am a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland...
It's always been one of my favorite books as a child, and I'm still obsessing over it quite hard. The thing is, Alice in Wonderland is just the right dose of crazy that's amazingly awesome, you know? So When I saw the red in my color pallet (never happened before, like literally, never had a red in my pallet before this), I decided that It was time....for Alice in Wonderland themed drawing. And thus, THIS. BWAHAHAHAAHA.



The Kiwi-Blast Challenge (Part of the Fruity Blast Challenge series): Challenges accepted by CuckooClock, usually in areas of realistic, sketches, graphics, or experimentation in Photoshop painting. To be completed Tuesdays, Thursdays, and (bi-weekly) Saturdays

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