Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hold It Down

Never-Ending Inkwell
well-inked update 10/2/2013

As opposed to an umbrella, which you are supposed to hold up.
Another song title!!! I'm sorry, I'm just a music hoarder.  I like lots and lots and lots and lots of music. Ohohohohohohoho

This time, however, it is not by Relient K.  But I should, again, warn you that they are my favorite and they'll definitely show up again.  Even if I were to say I wouldn't do another one of their songs, it'd probably be a lie.

Hold It Down is by a Korean hip-hop group called Geeks.  I don't know why they're named that, or what they're actually rapping about in the song because I'm not Korean and I don't speak Korean, even if I can fake it....hahaha.  I actually just happened to be listening to it, and was like....why not.

I used a brush pen (wheeeeee) and it turned out...not bad!!!  Although you must say I have to work on the graffiti-style, 'cos that W is uhhhhglee T~T funny because I'm in a city full of graffiti. Errywhere.

Have a wonderful rest of the week! Expect fun pictures of food (if I allow myself to appear a typical tourist) because I'm headed to Chinatown for food trucks for dinner tomorrow evening!!! I'm sorry for you, Cuckoo, but I will savor all the delicious food in your stead....omnomnomnomnomnom


much love,

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