Culturally's ...COMIC SUPER-UPLOAD..!
A while back, I spent everyday of my chinese class discussion drawing little comics. Princess's boyfriend had told me to scan them and post them somewhere so I did! It was meant to be a comic diary but I just never kept up with it after a while. It took too much effort scanning them in, but I am sharing these snippets of my random thoughts with you now! ~Enjoy!
Done in amateur crayola markers. Haha ^-^'' I drew this instead of studying. Good job Culturally. Good job.
I am such a snob when it comes to drinking water. Tap water? Nope. Fountain water? Nope. I has to taste good or I just can't bear to drink it. Sigh.
Click read more to see more comics!
My campus is so huge that I'm constantly feel like Simba when he's running with those wildebeests in Lion King. Teehee, I'm a Lion King fanatic. Also, if you're really smart, you can find some of my favorite anime characters hidden in panels <3 Happy Hunting.
My clothing default of choice is perpetually a sweet hoodie and tights. I really should work on expanding my wardrobe fashion-wise a little more. But seriously, who can deny how awesome hoodies are?! And am I a 32A? You will never know. ∂ 3 ∂
It's what I call the self-conciousness effect. It's like when someone points out someone else who has bad posture and you immediately *shamefully if you're me* straighten up just a bit. EMBARRASSING.
I will. Literally. Set things down and forget where they are completely a few seconds later. I need to stop being so distracted @_@
I've been taking aggressive-lessons from Cuckoo lately so things have improved. There are days, especially when it's gloomy out, where I will just get very passive. I'm usually an energetic social person, so sometimes I will just sit and stare. And then I get nothing done. More than a few times I have just lain down on my carpet and done nothing.
It's so freakin' addicting. Every time I walk into an asian stationary store, I leave with a lot less cash. And the pile keeps building. SOMEONE STOP ME. At least it makes me take really good notes because I'm scared to ruin pretty things.
Inky and I took the same biology class and we had weekly quizzes. Which we totally used Google on. Every single time.
This is why I only use pens. Not to mention these are the very pencils I waste my paychecks away on in the pre-previous comic. +_+
I have been totally conditioned to use the Ctrl+Z (undo) movement from graphic software everywhere in my life. When I write a wrong answer, when I try to go back on my internet surfing, when I say the wrong word...
Lastly, to finish off, a bonus entry. Where I live is finally showing real signs of sunny weather! Yay! The eternal winter has ended! Finally!
No more danger of the ever-clumsy me falling into this trap again!
So that wraps up the super-comic upload. I may end up doing diary comics again in the near future once I sort some projects out but I hope you enjoyed a little snippet into the everyday mind of Culturally. Teehee. As thanks for sticking it out to the end of this megaload...have a comic drawn on drugs (post-wisdom tooth operation drugs that is...)
This is Culturally...logging off for tonight!
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Gotta love them cheeks. |
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