Sunday, March 31, 2013

Painting Robot Printer Error - Fish and Clocks

So back in the earlier days of high school, I had a serious case of chronic doodling...where I did ink drawings...

(ball point pen- loved the effect, loved the smell....well....because I was accomplishing the smell got associated with accomplishment....ok, now it just sounds like I'm crazy) in-between classes, when I was bored during class, when I was supposed to be practicing French (high school French was one of those classes where i had a love/hate relationship with my teacher...which actually happened a lot before college....which is a different story for a different day), etc.

Except my doodling back then was serious business, as in I would work on what I called my "mini-masterpieces" for exactly one week (in between classes, during some classes, when I was bored...) and call it complete whether it was complete or not. Unfortunately, I gave up 4 weeks into it (my last drawing was nowhere near complete after a week, so I continued with it, breaking my trend, but chronic doodling on "mini-masterpieces" lasted at least 3 months), and didn't keep most of my drawings (I have a horrible habit of throwing away most things that I draw on paper...very little work lasted till today...).

Of course, my teachers took notice (my French teacher had a very nice talk with my parents about this, which resulted in a 30 minute Asian Parent Lecture from my mother after we got home), and I had to stop drawing (I think one of my teachers tried to confiscate my drawing at one point in time...), but yeah...enough with the story, here are two of the drawings (of course, these are scanned into illustrator, and vectorized...unfortunately, I lost the originals):

Yeah, this was one of my first drawings, with ball point pen and sharpies. As you can see, the clock looks like a twisted fail pizza, but hey, no one's perfect... it also has three of my four artistic signatures: the clock, victorian swirls, and a compass rose.

This was my second drawing...I think? Originally, I drew the shells as a kind of foreground, but it looked really weird, so I added the fish. Notice the bottom border - yeah, I had one for every drawing, but I think this one was one of my favorites. I think I also debated whether I wanted to draw a mermaid in with it, but decided against it (I hated drawing humans back in the day)

So, while I'm on the topic of fish and clocks, here's one of my favorite illustrator drawings that I did (it was originally going to be part of my portfolio for art school, but um, yeah, never applied for art-school...which is another story for a different day).

Back when my world was many hours spent on many layers....
kind of can't believe that I had that kind of patience... 

And recently, I made a cover photo for my Facebook of clocks (Cuckoo Clocks at that, hehehehehehe).

Ok, so these two were both photoshop paintings.
I had the whole clock thing with multiple groups of layers so I could change the color of the lights, or the color and texture of the curtains, or the background...etc. And I know the times are different on the two cuckoos and the clock in the middle. I did it on purpose.

Well then. I think that's it for fish and clocks.
Hope you enjoyed, and yeah...till next time!

~Cuckoo Clock

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