Monday, June 3, 2013

Dream Theme

Project Ringtone Bonanza
Well-Inked Update 06/03/13

So Disney is where dreams come true, right?

Or at least I thought so.....Yeah, in case you can't tell, this was based on the Walt Disney logo.....haha I've never actually been to Disney World or Disney Land.  I want to go though....speaking of dreams, my summer Ultimate Frisbee team won our first game!!! Woooooooooooo

I don't really know what the background is.  I just kind of messed around and then added the shooting star thing.

Das all, yo.

(and Cuckoo was an idiot and typed "Dream them" instead of "Dream theme" Cuckoo, fail...and I'm talking in third person again)

much love,



Ringtone Bonanza: A project in which Cuckoo Clock, Culturally Bewildered, and Well-Inked create works based on the titles or ringtones...

Click here to find out about other projects and tags. And here for the full list of Artist and their ringtone titles
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